25 Years Celebration for Darina - Leabrook Place Leabrook Place

Darina started working at Leabrook Place shortly after it was opened. She lived close by and had watched with interest as Leabrook Place was built. Noticing an advertisement for staff in the local newspaper, Darina soon met with the manager and commenced working 4 days per week.

Within a couple of years our sister village, The Glenbrook, was built and Darina started working between the two villages. Considering herself semi-retired now, Darina continues to work at The Glenbrook where she said it feels like being at home with family.

Darina still enjoys the fantastic atmosphere and loves her work. She said that she likes the independence that we offer – both to our employees and the people who live here. They are always appreciative and she has some remarkable memories of people that she will never forget.

We thank Darina for her 25 years of dedicated service and look forward to that continuing into the future.